Don’t Wait to Be Debt Free to Enjoy Your Life
Student loans and consumer debt are no fun. Unfortunately, you can’t make all the debt just go away. But what you can do? Learn to enjoy your life NOW, no matter how much you owe!
Do you ever feel discouraged by your debt?
Whether you’re paying down student loans, a mortgage, or trying to get on top of consumer debt, a lot of us owe money to someone, and we feel the weight of that burden. To add guilt to burden, we’ve been gradually conditioned to put debt-free living on a level with godly living. In fact, I think many of us have turned this debt-free ideal into an idol.
I recently wrote an article over at The Humbled Homemaker that I hope will be a wake-up call for those struggling with the weight of debt and the deep desire to be debt free.
My husband and I have been valiantly trying to pay off our debts for the last six years–since before our marriage even began. While we’ve had many rants against the government and the academic institutions and other factors that have slammed our generation with this tangled mess, we’re also gradually learning how to put debt in its proper place.
Getting rid of debt someday won’t be the thing that saves us, and in the meantime it hasn’t ruined our lives to begin with!
Read my post over at The Humbled Homemaker for an inside look at how my mind completely changed regarding debt, as well as my four biggest pieces of advice for others on the debt-free journey.
Life is full of ups and downs. So, I agree that we should enjoy every bit of it whether we are in debt or debt free.
Yes, indeed!
I really appreciate your post and very true about life. I love the picture above it is indeed the real meaning of life.