

Mother's day with baby boy


My name is Elsie and I’m the author of Your Simple Home Handbook and of this blog, Richly Rooted. I’m daily seeking to live more simply and abundantly, enjoying the blessings that God has showered me and my little family with. I live in Alabama with my husband and three children.

Richly Rooted is where I share practical advice for decluttering your home, living intentionally, and flourishing as a woman and homemaker. You can explore all my articles in the Table of Contents. I’m honoured that you’re here to read my words!

If you want to stay in the loop, join my weekly email newsletter. You’ll get a synopsis of each new post, personal updates, and a weekly quote to inspire you in your own journey to simple, intentional living. You’ll also receive my free guide to “10 High-Impact Ways to Make Your Home Look Instantly Tidy” as a welcome gift!

I look forward to seeing you around!

Here are some of my popular posts to get you started:

If you want to learn more about me personally, read these: